Module -1 Web Development
- Introduction to Web Technologies
- Basic HTML
- Introduction to CSS
- Types of CSS
- Class and Ids in CSS
- CSS transformation
- Bootstrap implementation
Module - 2 Introduction to HTML & Angular
- What is a Component?
- An Example Component
- Component Starter
- Developing a Simple Login Component
- Login Component: Add HTML
- The HTML Component Template
- Login Component
- Component Decorator Properties
- Component Lifecycle Hooks
- Using a Lifecycle Hook: OnInit
Module - 3 Data and Event Binding
- Binding Syntax
- One-Way Output Binding
- Binding Displayed Output Values
- Two-Way Binding of Input Fields
- Input Binding Examples
- Ng-for
- Style Management
- Build in Directives
Module – 4 Modules and Services
- Creating Custom Modules
- Service Injection
- Dependency Injection
- Authentication
- Http Interceptors
- Guards
Module – 5 Forms, Reactive Forms
- Validations
- Template driven forms
- Async custom validations with Rest API calls
- Subscribing to value changes Observable
Module – 6 Component Communication
- RxJS Subject
- RxJS BehaviourSubject
- Passing Content from Parent to Child
- ElementRef
- Debugging and Deployment
- Pipe and async pipe
Module -7 Project