Course Syllabus
Module - 1
- Introduction to Java
- Environment - JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT
- Fundamentals of Java
- Control Structure
- Input Fundamentals and datatypes
Module - 2
- OOPS Concept
- Command Line Argument
- Inner Class
- Inheritance
- Abstract Class
- Polymorphism
Module - 3
- Package
- Primitives and Wrapper Class
- Auto boxing and auto unboxing
- Static import
- Jar
- Garbage Collection
- Exception Handling
Module - 4
- Multithreading
- Runnable Interface Implementation
- Deadlock and its prevention
- Input and Output Streams
- Serialization
Module - 5
- Collection Framework
- Iterators, Enumerators
- Hashtable, hash Map, Tree Map
- Queue, Deque, SortedQue
- Random Class
- Using user defined class for Data structure